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Table of Contents

Description #

FX-602P Simulator unit tests for manual testing.

Test 00
tests the formula on (Page 9 of original manual)
Test 01
Optimized increment loop without display
Test 02
Simple increment loop with Display.
Test 03
The Museum of HP Calculators Calculator Benchmark. It calculates the Eight queens puzzle.
Test 04
The program is an implementation of the Γ function.
Test 05
The percentage calculations from page 19 and 20 of original manual enhanced by some alpha output so that one can easily see if the test was successful.
Test 06
Test RND, FIX and ENG display enhanced by some alpha output so that one can easily see if the test was successful (Page 20 of original manual).
Test 07
Compares two prices / amounts and tells you which one is cheaper
Test 08
Test FP-10 Simulation
Test 09
Test Statistic functions (Page 21 .. 22 of original manual)
Test 10
Test indirect addressing for values > 99. Expected behaviour is rather strange.